In the village of Stará Lesná floods the roof of the school, Minister Luby promised help


OLD LANDSCAPE July 20 ( – The situation after torrential rains and subsequent floods in Stará Lesná has already stabilized, but there are still relief forces and Samaritans.

The affected village arrived Friday also see Education Minister Martina Luby, who promised to help repair the roof top.

"I came to see you because we know that the school has provided some evacuees with help. I wanted to know if we could help the school myself, " said the minister of the SITA agency.

evacuated nearly 300 people

The school did not Was not under pressure, the building is fine.The problem is, however, with a roof that will ruin under a pouring rain "We can help with the repair of the emergency state from the roof, we will find in the budget the means for its repair " Luby added.

Thursday was critical and required an evacuation of 274 After the torrential rains, a stream burst, changed the watering place and flooded the surrounding houses in a local Roma colony, several cottages and a hotel.They first evacuated 36 Roma children from the colony to the offices of the General Office

111 others from the colony were temporarily placed in the building of the school. The supernumeraries had to evacuate 127 other people from the hotel, which was taken over by another hotel.

Provides food and shelter

The water has damaged all the bridges in the village. One of them, who is heading to a colony, is not available for pedestrian vehicles.

The Samaritans, who were contacted by the Regional Directorate HaZZ, also helped the National Administration of Physical Reserves to build a new bridge

to create a spine for relief systems that have continually helped for dozens of hours

"In the tent we provide backgrounds – food, shelter and liquids, for all surviving life-saving items," SITA agency spokesman Marcel Sedlačko said in a statement. Association of Samaritans of the Slovak Republic

Mayor of Starej Lesnej Ľubomír Lauf Professional and volunteer firefighters were continuously in charge for twenty hours. According to him, the situation was managed thanks to the good coordination of all the relief systems, the communication with the Crisis Staff and the local populations who did not hesitate to give a hand and the evacuees [19659016] High Tatras, High Tatras, Rain ” am-card-image=”top” srcset=”×54.jpg 81w,×208.jpg 312w,×448.jpg 672w,×80.jpg 120w” sizes=”(max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px” data-dominant-color=”#313431″/>

As reported by the head of the district office (WHERE) Kežmarok Veronika Havirová, Kežmarok still has the highest, namely III.

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