Triathlonist Varga triumphs at the European Championship


Richard Varga, a Slovak triathlon representative, won Friday a gold medal at the European Championship in Tartu, Estonia.

Varga, 20, won not only his first European championship title, but also his first prize for Slovakia. "I'm incredibly happy for this win, I've been waiting for it for ten years, in fact since I've been triathlon, I almost never thought it could come, and that's it. Is something incredible and very difficult to describe by the words " for the TASR

Varga was very active throughout the race, he was still in front of him, did not stopped with problems in the water, and some unsuccessful attempts to escape and finally celebrated a great victory

I quickly found myself in first position, then I tactically placed them in front of me to shoot a little, and I saved the force, the last buoy that I had got tangled in the net, which even a little slowed down and blocked, but we went to escape bike with the Devay Hungarian, we had a lead of about 15-20 seconds, until the second turn was d exhausted by Luxembourg. "

" We were three, but still for 15 seconds of the group, we worked and we thought it might be enough, and in the third round we had a group of 20 members, and I was still trying to # 39; escape. or the 4th round with the Spanish Sanchez took a lead, which was held at the deposit, and then they took us back, but I did my own races and eventually I beat them and won " describes the course of the competition.] Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return ;! n f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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