Nissan Leaf E-Plus: The King of Electromobiles Receives Larger Batteries – News – Auto


The improved parameters of the Nissan Leaf are not yet known, but it is assumed that the 64 kWh batteries will increase by 500 km and will increase by 200 horsepower.

  Leaf did not say the second generation last ...

Leaf did not say the second generation
the last word. This is an E-Plus version that should have a battery capacity
up to 64 kWh
Author: Nissan

Already at the arrival of the second generation Nissan Leaf, the Japanese automaker
informed that she is preparing a version with more excitement. The present has
with rechargeable batteries of a decent capacity of 40 kWh, which allows you to
a load to travel 378 kilometers, but it's still not enough for the main
competitors such as Chevrolet Bolt, its European derivative Opel Ampera-E
or a new Tesla 3. The new version of Leaf will be launched to fight them

  On a 100-kilowatt charger could Leaf ...

On a 100-kilowatt charger
The E-Plus sheet could "recharge" 80% of its capacity in 30 minutes


According to unofficial sources, the capacity of the battery should increase up to
64 kWh, which could lengthen the Leaf up to 500 km, but
only according to the old NEDC standard. But that's not all. Sales Manager a
Nissan Marketing, Brian Maragano said that a larger volume of
the energy will give you room to increase power. He could grow from the present
110 kW to 147, or 200 hp. We can expect more quickly
fresh. The Leaf E-Plus could be a 100-kilowatt charger
"Refill" 80% of the capacity in 30 minutes. The sale of Leaf would be that
helped, although I can not complain about the refusal to complain.

Since 2010, when the first generation arrived on the market,
a record 320,000 customers, making it the most successful of all time
electromobile planet. But the competition is growing. Leaf must fight with new
players, not just sister Renault or Zoe or Chevrolet
Bolt, but also Chinese products. This is not the secret that is today.
the electric car market according to the world statistics is the most in our country
the completely unknown Chinese model BAIC EC. And if the Chinese attack
Europe or the United States could easily lose their privileged position

  Nissan Leaf

  Nissan Leaf

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