The legend of the Czech singer was seriously injured: she is in the hospital's operating room


"Dear guests, because of the serious injury of Eva Pilarová today, the concert will be canceled on July 20, 2018 at 20:00," announced on the social network Facebook.

Oto Rajman of the Rajcha Art Agency for confirmed that the singer is after a very serious injury in the operating room of the hospital Střešovice.

Eva Pilarová has worked at the Semaphore, the Rokoko Theater and the Karlín Musical Theater, she has been singing with the orchestra K. Vlacha and J. Vobruba since 1969 with their own groups. Triple won the Golden Nightingale poll. She has albums Eva Pilarová (1965), Heavenly Love (with Waldemar Matusko) of 1973, Miracle To Live (1974) and many others. She has appeared in films, for example, if a thousand clarins (1964), Ta our Czech song (1967) or Crime in Shantan (1968). .fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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