The Mysteries of Forgácov and Cudarovcov – Denník N


The mysteries of Forgácov and Cudarovcov

The castle of Makovica (Zborov castle) was forgotten by the Forgache for unknown reasons
Two families, hiding deeply buried mysteries that lost their faith in the struggles to be able, but then … then love will come

This is the central theme of Jana Pronska's ninth novel entitled Knight's Honor which does not have any meaning. appeared only recently in the second reissue. Besides the natural theme of love, the medieval realities and facts of King Ľudovít's reign, Róbert's son of Anjou, who loved to hunt in Upper Hungary, appear here. The author 's story is literally faint – she worked on two other books because of them, and one of them had to be completely reworked because it also concerned the Cudarov …

Rytier's honor is a story full of suffering and loss of honor. The fisherman Philip Cudar has always pushed back his own family and was the only one of his brothers and sisters to go to war with the king. When he returns home after long tribulations, he can not wait for his beloved wife and son. Just before the arrival of his house, he shoots a desperate young mother with a child in his arms, as he calls hard to hide from time to time. This will help him. An unknown woman can go to church and the priest even finds a place in the sokoliara where she can sleep with her child … But when Philip finally arrives at home, no reward should be good for him – his estate burned down, his brothers and sisters were submerged, his wife and son died on the plague … Only the chapel was intact as a miracle

He cursed God and resorted to a bitter solitude. The years go by, and when the king again needs the services of his subjects, the brothers and sisters follow him and ask him to go there – because he does not no family while they do it. Phil is so angry that he will get rid of broken blood by riding on horseback. And, of course, he unfortunately falls out of him, he loses consciousness and finds himself close to the beautiful falconry that he gives first aid

The same woman who helped her there was five years old

Prespanka with an illegitimate daughter. And the child has it with his brother. In Philip's head, a plan of the devil was born at that time

"I want to offer you something", he struggled quickly until he found out … "I want you to go for me … pray for my sinful soul, I will not give you the wedding that every woman expects, but the agreement … I will give you your name, your house, I will assure you as well as your daughter, I would not expect you to fulfill the obligations of marriage … let's just say yes … " [19659005SontentionwasthathewassuddenlyawomanandachildandthebrothersandsisterswererightintheeyesofherItwassoondiscoveredthatthebastardofFalcon'isnotacommonwomenEventhemostimportantsecret"apasrevelatedKatarinan"isnotapoormanbutanewcomerinthepast"

But the origin of Philip is not very clear …

Knight's Honor is just a novel about hate, pomste, l property and political struggles. A novel that gradually reveals more and more facts and that faithfully displays the characters of credible characters. These are plentiful, but they are as remarkable as they will not be knitted. Pronounced in this book, it does not simply propose a romantic novel, but a little psychology, politics and history … 🙂

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