Around Jupiter, they discovered twelve new months, their number rising to 79 –


Around Jupiter, they discovered twelve new moons, their number rising to 79

The new moons around Jupiter were discovered by chance during the search for planets at the end of the solar system

Jupiter with a polar glow. Photo – NASA

Scientists have discovered 12 new moons around the largest planet in our solar system

Jupiter's gas field represents the planet's fifth planet in the solar system. There are about 778 million kilometers around the Sun, a little more than five times that of the Earth

This giant of the planet is known for its characteristic red-orange anticyclone, which has greatly diminished over the decades [19659007]. schools that you can remember that Jupiter has been going for several months. But observing them is not easy at all. Jupiter is bright and wide and to explore small and unclear objects around it requires advanced telescopes and data processing methods. That's probably one of the reasons we saw the emergence of his twelve new months this year.

During the observation, scientists used the Blanco telescope in Chile to observe with the help of the Dark Energy camera, observation devices and very few

The results have been confirmed by Magellan (Chile), Subaru and Gemini (Hawaii) telescopes and Discovery Channel (Arizona)

The number of months of Jupiter increased due to new measurements at 79.

Lucky Coincidence

Originally, scientists were looking for the ninth planet in the solar system, which is expected to be located in the Neptune region. Observations made over four years suggest that a very massive planet might be present in this area to explain the movement of small objects.

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