The Slovakian dog received an expensive non-stretched vest in the United States


I write to the US newspaper about a police dog from Slovakia.

The Capo police, who are from Slovakia and currently serving in US police forces, received a $ 1,000 protective jacket this week.

A three-year-old German Shepherd attends police in East Hartford, Connecticut. His specialty is tracking and crushing offenders. "Capo is now better protected from injury by working in the field," said local newspaper Inquirer, adding that the jacket is unbreakable and can not be cut off, which can

Casus received a vest at the beginning of the year

Vest donated a charity to Vestu, a charity that earned $ 950, about half the real price

Capo is one of three police Dogs that serve to East Hartford and his handler Juan River have been on the street for three years. "He helped find and detain a number of criminals and helped find missing people in the city and the neighborhood," a newspaper wrote.

Casus, four years old, received his vest at the beginning of the year. Police officer Scott Sansom emphasized that safety is a priority for his team, not only for the safety of the public but also for the police, including those of the four.

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