The two most vulgar minutes of the farm's history: it's an all-time record


We can not omit the farms Stana Madzíka that made water in the last 9th series up to now. The versatile server of Poprad is busy not only with fun but also with controversy.

He never gave him a napkin and vulgarisms were a standard part of his vocabulary. And when he is duly summoned, he can bruise himself like a heathen!

In a period of about two minutes, the [leybdate(whichweconsiderasbeingthedecreeinwhichthespeechesweremade)alsosucceededincrumblinguptotheextentofthevaguenessthatoccurredwhentheaveragetimewasspentintheintervalof75secondsandsomewereevenlinguistic!

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