Elon Musk develops rockets 10 times cheaper than NASA. How is it possible?


The innovative thinking of Elon Muska has had a huge impact not only on electromobility and sustainable energy, but also on the aerospace industry. His company SpaceX can develop and build rockets or fly in space at fractional prices compared to NASA and ULA. How much do SpaceX missiles cost and how often are they cheaper?

Up to 13 times cheaper than at NASA

In 2011, NASA expert Rebecca Keizer analyzed the price of the Falcon 9 Elona Muska rocket, SpaceX. This was done on the basis of the NASA-Air Force cost model . Production was $ 4 billion

This is the amount that the government agency NASA could do for such a space rocket. And how did you know about the development of this SpaceX rocket? It was 300-400 million dollars, me. 10 to 13 times less

Even commercial competitors do not get caught

If you say that the difference is due to the fact that NASA is a state agency and that government projects are still "overvalued We compare ourselves with ULA. It is a joint venture between Boeing and Lockheed Martin

The production of the ULA Atlas V spacecraft costs about $ 380 million, while SpaceX can produce a comparable missile for $ 90 million . Ie. more than 4 times the difference. So, what is the secret of "cheap" development and SpaceX racket production?

How does SpaceX do it?

SpaceX can do all its essential components by its own strength. First example, then analysis and possibly own product

General example: For example, a company needs engines or tanks for its missile. It allows you to make a quote from a standard supplier of these components. When Elon Muska or another manager seems to be able to produce himself and his money cheaper and cheaper, he will give it a development

However, he will get a quote, based on a qualitative analysis, on the price that he has. he is supposed to do. If the team succeeds, the component will begin to be compared to a commercially available solution. And even in tests where both components are mounted simultaneously in the rocket.

  Falcon 9

Falcon 9 in the transport. Source: AviationCV.com

If this component is at least as good as the one delivered, SpaceX will start producing it itself and use it in other projects.

"Easy to open at the garage"

V In 2004, SpaceX needed an electromechanical driver for the first Falcon 9 rocket, or $ 120,000 on the market. Elon Musk said the construction can not be more complicated than in the case of a garage door opening system. He set a ceiling price of $ 5,000. In 9 months, his team has developed a pilot as good for $ 3,900

Even 1,000 times cheaper

Another example is a commercially available radio device from $ 50,000 to $ 100,000 produced by SpaceX for about $ 5,000. Apparently, the biggest "cost recorder" is the avionics system that Elona Muska is able to produce at $ 10,000, since it normally costs $ 10 million
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Babka na babce

Missile prices give Elon Muska a reduction in the approach mentioned above. However, it should also be added that in many cases it uses conventional consumer electronics and not industrial components or components certified to be deployed in the universe. Nevertheless, it turns out that clean solutions are no less reliable than those used. Colors Elonx   part of the magazine share

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