In addition to the complete turmoil of the Moon, there is great opposition from Mars


On Friday, we will be able to observe the longest complete eclipse of the moon in this century.

The longest complete eclipse of the Moon in this century and the great opposition of Mars, which will be closest to the Earth since 2003. It is, according to astronomers, two extraordinary celestial phenomena that can be seen Friday, July 27th.

The longest complete eclipse of the moon in this century, its partial phase will last three hours and 55 minutes and one hour of full phase and 43 minutes. The moon will pass just above the center of the Earth's shadow, so that a dark brownish spot will be projected on its surface throughout the phase, "concludes Pavol Rapavý of the Slovak Union. astronomers

. before sunset, around 20:30. "The gradual shadow of the earth on the surface of the moon will be noticed in a small telescope in minutes.At the beginning of complete extinction at 9:30 pm, the sky will be dark enough to give the reddish color of the lunar surface, "added Rapavý, with the maximum phase of the eclipse going up to 22.22 ha and the eclipse until midnight

The same day as the eclipse lunar the second phenomenon, the great opposition of Mars, will also be played. "In opposition, the planets are the closest to the Earth, they cross the horizons all night and reach a maximum of clarity", explains the astronomer. He added that in this case, the Martian distance from the Earth would be only 58 million kilometers, which is the closest since 2003.

"We will see it in the binoculars as a reddish disc. with a polar cap and dark bodies on its surface.The major opposition closest to Mars will only occur in 2035, "concluded the Rapavy

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