The attack at the airport of Kábul required 14 victims


A total of 14 dead and 50 wounded claimed responsibility for suicide bombing at Kbul airport, which took only minutes to complete as Afghan Vice President Abdul Rashid returned to his home town. country after more than a year of exile.

A spokesman for the Afghan Ministry of the Interior, whose speech was delivered by AP, said. According to him, civilians and members of the armed forces are victims of life .

Meanwhile, a local branch of the Islamic State terrorist organization (IS) has filed a request for a bombing. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani issued a statement strongly condemning the act. The Interior Ministry said the blast was produced in time when supporters of General Dostouma rallied at the entrance to the city. airport to welcome him. But according to local media reports, the vice president of the airport departed shortly before

. I live in Turkish exile for 14 months. He left Afghanistan before being judged in connection with the alleged kidnapping and torture of one of his political opponents President Ghani's spokesman has however stated that I was receiving treatment for Turkey

The controversial vice president is also accused of committing war crimes in Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001. United States [19659007]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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