Dozens of Germans demonstrated in Munich


Munich residents took to the streets to protest the politics of fear.

Tens of thousands of people met Sunday at a demonstration in Munich to oppose the growing influence of law in German society and politics.

The Assembly, under the motto "# Anger – Together against the politics of fear"

Especially, it was against the refugee policy of the Christian Union of Bavaria (CSU) , which is part of the federal government in a coalition with the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD The organizers attribute the irresponsible policy of the split to President of the CSU and Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer, Bavarian landscape government chairman Markus Söder and CSU chairman of the Federal Chamber of Commerce Alexander Dobrind. to the appeals of his opponents for "political decency."

According to police estimates, Sunday's event in Munich until the afternoon has attracted more than 20,000 people but d & rsquo; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Others arrived despite the rainy weather. They then informed about 50,000 participants. The protest process was assessed by the police as "very peaceful".

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The recent conflict between the CSU and the CDU on migration and asylum policy in Germany has threatened the future functioning of the entire coalition The Interior Minister, Seehofer, was ready to set up the coalition government of the CSU / CDU and the SPD

with the agreement that the migrants should stop at the border and send back to the countries of the European Union, in which they registered

Photo: other images of the Munich demonstration

<img id = "img-5b55071d03fa9" class = "lazy_load" src = "" data-1024 = " shQ.1280 ~ udia-po-as-protestu-v-nemeckom-Mn-chove-22-j-la-2018.jpg? t = L2ZpdC1pbi84MDB4MA% 3D% 3D & h = 16W5qFvePdmJob9M-wZo4g & e = 2145916800 & v = 2 "data-1024×2 = " = 1dfEJ-be5vphrvMMib9i0A & e = 2145916800 & v = 2 "title =" Ľudia počas protestu v nemeckom Mníchove – 22. júla 2018 "alt =" 6
People in the gallery

<img id = "img-5b55071d03fa9" class = " lazy_load "src =" "data-1024 =" -Mn-chove-22-j-la-2018.jpg? T = L2ZpdC1pbi84MDB4MA% 3D% 3D & h = 16W5qFvePdmJob9M-wZo4g & e = 2145916800 & v = 2 "data-1024×2 =" shQ.2560 ~ udia-po-as-protestu-v-nemeckom-Mn-Chove-22-j-the-2018.jpg? t = L 2ZpdC1pbi8xNjAweDA% 3D & h = 1dfEJ-be5vphrvMMib9i0A & e = 2145916800 & v = 2 "title =" Ľudia počas protestu v nemeckom Mníchove – 22. júla 2018 "alt =" 6
Members in the Gallery
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