Kia will use Kia to prepare a new version of Ceed | Article | goods


Teplička nad Váhom (TASR) – Kia Motors Slovakia (KMS) will stop on Monday, July 23 as part of the annual factory summer production plant of summer of two weeks to Teplička nad Váhom. TASR was informed by the head of the communication and public relations department of KMS Dušan Dvořák

He added that despite this time, many works and technological changes will be carried out in the premises of the factory and in the halls of production. CEED. "During the summer, we receive more employees to cover the holiday period, we have 130 students who will go to the brigades and will help us with the passing of the summer season," said Dvorak

The automaker has also started recruiting in Ukraine, where it plans to recruit 50 employees. "The goal is to test their operation and their long-term interest in Slovakia, and we will evaluate these options in the future, with 40 employees in Bulgaria currently working in the factory, but the company's main focus is on the future. long-term goal is to attract employees mainly in Slovakia "The director of the public relations and public relations department of KMS said:

Kia Motors Slovakia is the only production plant of Kia Motors Corporation in Europe. They built it between 2004 and 2006. The production of cars and cars began in December 2006. In Slovakia, Kia currently employs more than 3,800 people. It produces Kia Ceed models in two body styles: Ceed five-door, Sportswagon, Kia Sportage sport utility vehicle and Kia Venga family van. Since the start of mass production, more than 3.1 million vehicles have left the factory and more than 4.7 million engines

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