If we do not agree with the EU, Britain does not have to pay a British bill, says UK minister – euractiv.sk


Even though the divorce agreement, according to Michel Barnier's chief negotiator, is 80%, both parties are talking more and more about the possibility of not being agreed.

Britain must also prepare the negotiation of a new trade agreement (19659002) If the scenario is met, the UK will not have to pay a bribe bill of 39 billion pounds sterling (44.55 billion pounds) for the European Union, and the country will leave the Union without agreement, billion). According to AP, the new British minister for Brexitis Dominic Raab suggested Sunday

that both parties must meet the obligations

Raab for the Sunday Telegraph newspaper said that there had to be a "conditionality" between the Great Britain and Brexit. Relationship with the EU

"You can not have a party fulfilling its part of the agreement and the other party that does not do it, or it does it slowly or does not fulfill its bonds, "said Raab

. During sessions in the country of residence of the Checkers, the UK also has a free trade area with the rest of this block after leaving the EU. It should concern goods but not services which represent the major part of the British economy

The British government also considers restrictions on the movement of capital and labor. In order to maintain the free movement of goods, London wants to ensure that all species will continue to meet EU standards.

Dominic Raab only replaced David Davis two weeks ago, who resigned in protest of the "sweet" Brexit plan.

Preparations for the worst

The Minister for Brexit still believes that both parties will finally agree.

If that has not happened, plans are already in place to make sure that Britain is ready in every aspect to this option. "Any responsible government must make sure that we have a plan ready in case of disagreement," BBC's Raab said, "we do not need to worry about the pot- de-vin, We want the best possible deal, "he added.

His counterpart in the EU bankruptcy negotiations, Michel Barnier, said Friday that the Union must also be ready for all the scenarios associated with leaving the UK. Including the possibility that no agreement with the British party will be able to conclude

As explained, 80% of the outgoing UK outgoing EU agreement is ready

To achieve to a political agreement, issues such as the future British statute

"Each of these issues is important and we must reach an agreement on each of them, before accepting the overall agreement on the show, "said Barnier. in front of reporters

Brexit divides Britain as well as the Conservative Party of Prime Minister Theresa Maya, one of whom wants a clear step with the Union and the other has close ties. A poll released on Saturday, July 21 showed that the number of voters who rejected the May proposal on Brexitis (43%) was significantly higher than those who supported it (12%)

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