In Kezmarok, apartments for young people will be built


The city of Kežmarok plans to build a house of 18 apartments on the streets Weilburská 2 and 4. The total cost of construction is nearly 1 million euros.

  Illustrative illustration of the article In Kežmarka build apartments for young people: Among the candidates are also welcome the cross-country



Rentals will be built for young families.
Kežmarská radnice received grants from the Ministry of Transport and Tourism for construction
the construction of the Slovak Republic in the amount of EUR 376 934.56 and a loan of
EUR 565,390 comes from the National Housing Development Fund with a zero benefit

"Kežmarok finances the technical infrastructure to the amount
about 50 thousand euros. There will be communications, driveways and alley
as well as parking lots, "
said Eva Kelbel, head of the unit
plan of the land, environment and construction order

The offer will be apartments for families with two or three bedrooms. Two apartments
out of a total of eighteen are for immobile citizens, three pieces
the apartments will be twelve and the apartment will have four two-room apartments
unit. "Construction should begin in early August and
the apartment will be completed next year, "
informed communications
Director of the Government of Kužmarka Zuzana Šlosárová. One of the conditions for
the applicant's list is the age of 18 and the confirmation,
that he is neither the owner nor the majority owner of the apartment or the family
house and the like. Candidates are also welcome cross-country .
Any condition of permanent residence in Kežmarok before the deposit
the request was canceled by the city in 2016.


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