Egypt: Sinai reportedly killed the commander of the branch of the Islamic State


23 07. 2018

Extremist Organization The Islamic State announced Sunday the death of one of its leaders on the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, Abu Dhaafar Mukaddasi.

Information on the death of Mukaddashi, with the picture of a young man, was the first to bring the agency of the Islamic State of Amak – without disclosing the circumstances or the moment of his death, the martyr calling. Mukaddasi died a few days ago

Egyptian security forces have long been fighting Islamist militants whose activity took power after the defeat of Islamist President Muhammad Mursi in 2013.

In February, the Egyptian President Abdal Fattah Sissi launched a massive operation against Islamist militants in Sinai. peninsula.

The operation takes place in the presence of land forces, naval and air and concerns areas of northern and central Sinai, parts of the Nile Delta and the western desert border along the Libyan border.

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