Tesla's action fell sharply, asking suppliers to return the money


Tesla allegedly asked some suppliers to return some of their money.

23. July 2018 at 18:58 TASR

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NEW YORK. The action of Tesla's automaker is strongly weakened on Monday. The reason was the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) leadership that the electric car maker had asked some sellers to repay some of the money they had paid

Tesla should make a profit [19659002] Tesla opens the market Monday with a fall of more than 4%, its loss jumped to 6.6%. At 5:19 pm, the stock traded at least 4.14% for $ 300.60 (€ 256.57).

Tesla, which has never been profitable since it was founded in 2003, has demanded a large refund from suppliers, which has paid them since 2016. This raises questions about the financial situation. from the company

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The letter sent by Tesla to the supplier the obligation to repay the 's. Money is essential for ongoing auto operations and is considered an investment in the future of the company. Tesla has confirmed to the WSJ that he is trying to get discounts from suppliers. According to the automaker, it is a common practice and an attempt to increase competitiveness

The experts have a different opinion. "It's just absurd, and it shows that Tesla is desperate right now," said production consultant Dennis Virag, who has been working for 40 years in the auto industry

"C & # 39; is another sign that they have less and less money … sure Tesla will need fresh money later next year, "said the analyst. Frank Schwope

Tesla leader Elon Musk reported that the automaker will record profits in the third and fourth quarter, with a first-quarter loss of $ 709.6 million

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