Back in Serie A with the Blacks: Hard to punish the league


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AC PARMA – PARMO – The oldest participant in the highest Italian football competition Parma Calcio 1913 begins the season 2018/2019 with deduction In addition, the attacker Emanuele Calaio was sentenced to two years ban on running for the end of the last season of Serie B to influence the results of the team.

The 48-year-old wanted to get the direct action of Parma in May. Serie A by sending four text messages to the opponents of the opponent Filippo De Col before the last game of the season with Spezia, in which he urged him not to play with teammate Claudio Terzim, but in the final report Calaio has writes that only

The Italian Football Federation (FIGC) nevertheless regards Calai's behavior as an attempt to influence the e result that he has the defendant imposed a two-year suspended sentence and fined him 20,000 euros. In addition, an experienced striker has injured his employer who will have to contend with a five point cushion in the final table of Serie A.

Parma in the duel of the last season won Spezia 2-0 and s & # 39; has pioneered a path up to the highest competition. He became the first club in the history of Italian football, which jumped three times at the league level.

Tags: Emanuele Calaio Parma Calcio

Full score and current table Series A

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