Greece destroys the flame, declaring the state of emergency


The Greek authorities declared a state of emergency valid for the western and eastern part of the Athens conurbation, where two large forest fires, driven by a strong wind, have already evacuated thousands of people .

At the same time, Greece announced that it would formally request the assistance of the European Union Monday evening. According to the AP, Spyros Georgiou spoke to the spokesperson of the local civil protection

One of the fires emerges in the vicinity of Pendeli, northeast of Athens, with flames further east to the city of Rafina. In the nearby village of Mati, a coastguard sends a patrol boat to evacuate the fishermen

The second forest fire breaks out 50 kilometers to the west. Athens, in the seaside town of Kineta, spread through the local pine forest. Zivel forced the closure of motorways connecting the Peloponnese peninsula to the central part of the country and the Greek metropolis was immersed in the orange haze

The governor of Attica confirmed the state of urgency of Attica. Local authorities have sent fire extinguishers and other fire extinguishing equipment to the area. In fires, according to authorities, have been injured so far by at least six A spokesman for the fire department said the wounded had been hospitalized on Monday with burns, but the details of their state of being health have not disappeared. (1969007)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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