Slovak deputies also went to Kosovo


There is a difference between the annexation of Crimea and the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo, said MEP Ivan Štefanec.

Slovakia is only one of the five member states of the European Union that do not recognize Kosovo

However, this does not mean that we do not entertain contacts with the institutions of Kosovo

a delegation of Slovak deputies also visited Kosovo. They met with the then president, Atifete Jahjag, although they pointed out that it was only an informal meeting. In addition, we do not recognize Kosovo as an independent state

In the delegation, then opposition members were also in the direction of the government. MEPs, however, stressed that the visit to Kosovo does not mean recognition of the independence of this former South Slavic province, and that the attitude of Slovakia does not change

. is not a direct legitimization of the country and our position does not change. " MP SDKÚ-DS was then part of the delegation that came to Pristina

For example, in the delegation was Anton Cicoň, for now Oľano was the deputy of the National Council and now the head of the Autonomous Region of Trnava Jozef Viskupič

Štefanec: Kosovo and Crimea is not the same

Smer MP Luboš Blah reads the two meters of the opposition. He says it does not interfere with Kosovo's visits.

"It's unbelievable when parliamentarians go to Kosovo, no one goes to them, but when private deputies go to Crimea, the media crack," Blaha wrote. a few days on Facebook

but Stefan, MEP from KDH,, that the trip of the deputies to Kosovo and annexed Crimea can not be compared

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"There are several examples of unilateral and controversial declarations of independence, such as Kosovo, that the Slovak Republic does not recognize."

"I regard Marceka's trip to Crimea as unacceptable," says Štefanec. However, no such territory has been violently annexed to another state unit, such as Crimea in the Russian Federation, "he explains

and rejects the argument deputies preparing for Crimea

. An NRSR member can not choose when he applies and when he does not apply his mandate. "Even during the holidays, he represents the National Council and therefore also the Slovak Republic," concludes Štefanec

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