Not only football but the survival of the city, warns the president of the deceased Rožňava


We have already informed you of the disappearance of the senior team MFK Rožňava early July. "Yellow-Blue" after two decades moved to the third league, but after a year, it ends. Michal Domik, club president, decided to make a breakthrough because of the controversy with the city's leaders. has confirmed that he will continue to support young people and does not rule that one day he will start with men from scratch

Michal Domik: "Yes, we We decided before, we did not withdraw from the team just because the players who stayed there still have value.We need this money for young people.However, I officially informed all my colleagues and representatives of the Football League of the Far East that Rožňava was finished.I will be happy to return to this company after a while, because we respect these people. "

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"It really was not an easy decision to make money for my family in senior football." The whole family worked to make something in Rožňava, we've all shown that we can play football, and in three years we achieved a great success, after twenty years we moved to the third league. We also set up a puppy who went to the second league. I think we did a lot of work. Unfortunately, the support of the city was practically nil, in the three years we received 180 euros as a reward for being the most successful team in the city of Rožňava in 2017. Nowadays, it is not enough that the club works. "

So, what goals do you continue to pursue next?
" Our city is currently very stagnant. This is not just football. We do not have hockey, we have no stadium, we do not have a pool, we do not have bike lanes. Everything is devastated, it does not invest in people. For members, this should be the most important thing for people to have active choices on Saturday, to go, to go to a game. This should be a priority, not that people will swim in neighboring towns and villages, skating in Spišská Nová Ves or Rimavská Sobota. The young basketball players are leaving us to ensure the future. Everyone goes where the sport is promoted. We must prevent our children from playing sports because they do not have conditions for us. "

You indicated that under certain circumstances, you could have a new senior team from the room after a while.When can we do this?
" When we find a common language with the city . Unfortunately, I do not think these members support sport, they have to ask why. The Lord Mayor was a basketball player, but in town council he was a footballer, but he was probably finished. At this moment, we live a materialistic life, everyone must have as much as possible and people do not have money. We are waiting for the elections, we will see if anything changes. We are bringing together some of the ambitious young people who could serve as members of Parliament. It's not just football or basketball but the overall survival of our city.

  Rožňava fans
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