The new Kia Ceed receives seats from Slovakia


BRATISLAVA, July 24, 2018 (WBN / PR) – The third generation seats of Kia Ceed were designed by Slovak designers and designers at the Adient Technology Center in Trenčín. With South Korean partners, they have been working for two and a half years on their development. Kia presented her key European model in February of this year. At the top of the set, Ceed seats offer front-seat ventilation for the first time, with the exception of heating. In addition to two fabric versions, two leather and leather versions will be available. This project demonstrates that Slovakia is not only a country of meeting rooms, but also a competent partner for the development of sophisticated products and technologies.

The new seats do not come from a concept or from an earlier platform. Slovak engineers designed them from top to bottom, from the rail system to the headrest. The CAD design team was located in the Indian city of Pune. " Together, fifteen engineers participated in the Adient Technology Center in Trenčín and five other people provided non-engineering activities in the Bratislava business center," explains Dušan Valient, director of the Trenčín Technology Center. . "This is the most sophisticated seat ever mounted in this model, which is assembled in our Zilina factory." After full production, the Adient doors will be able to accommodate up to 500 Kia Ceed vehicles per day. The European factory of Kia in Zilina is also being finished. On seats from Slovakia, not only will the owners of the hatchback version be transported. The signature of Trencian's engineers will also feature sportswagon and sport GT and GT Line sports seats. They will be different from the seats of the classic five-door version in the backrest, the seat and the rear headrest, whose design and seats accentuate the dynamic temperament of the cars

  Kia ceed 2018_08 galeria.jpg [19659004] Kia cee 2018_08 galeria.jpg
photo: Adient

Rear heated seats, front ventilation

Front seats in the standard version allow standard two-step positioning (front / rear and reclining backrest). The higher seat versions offer wider options for ergonomic adjustment, such as adjusting seat height or backrest support with a backrest. The high-end positioning mechanism provides complete electronic control. The Kia Ceed will also heat the rear seats. The rear ladders are also equipped with cupholders.

The fabric design works with geometric patterns and adds a futuristic look to the interior. The leather seats combine gray and black elements that evoke elegance. The most versatile version is made of black leather with gray stitching that enhances the active line of the seat. "width =" 676 "height =" 450 "class =" lazy lazy-hidden lazy-fancy-hidden-align size-medium wp-image-1274744 "data-lazy-srcset =" sites / 32/2018/07 / kia-ceed-2018_10-galeria-676×450.jpg 676w,×511.jpg 768w,×661.jpg 992w, /kia-ceed-2018_10-galeria-160×107.jpg 160w,×208.jpg 312w, https: // cdn / sites / 32/2018/07 / kia-ceed-2018_10-galeria-81×54.jpg 81w, galeria-672×448.jpg 672w,×80.jpg 120w, 32/2018/07 / kia-ceed-2018_10-galeria.jpg 1200w "sizes =" (max-width: 676px) 100vw, 676px "/>


Adient is a ader world in making car seats. With 85,000 employees in 238 manufacturing and assembly plants in 34 states, we manufacture and supply automotive seats for all classes of vehicles and all major manufacturers. From complete seat systems to individual components, our expertise covers all stages of the car production process. Our own integrated business capabilities allow us to participate in the production of products assembled annually in more than 25 million vehicles

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