Police in Unmarked Cars: ROZPIS Watch for Prešov District and Surroundings


Police are on our way and on unmarked vehicles. Drivers in our region, this review is good to see …

  Illustration photo to article Police in unmarked cars: ROZPIS shows for district Prešov and surroundings



Lawyers in the coming days will monitor safety and security
even on unmarked vehicles. About what
Unmarked cars specifically turned on drivers in the Prešov region
informed in advance. We bring you a glimpse of today at the end of this

In the Prešov region, traffic police patrols

Section – Type of Service Vehicle – Color

16 Patrols on Labeled Police Vehicles and 9 Unlabelled
police watch

  • D1 highway – ŠKODA Superb black sedan, VW Passat sedan black, Audi
  • okres Bardejov ŠKODA Fabia biela
  • okres Kežmarok VW Golf blue
  • okres Prešov ŠKODA Fabia biela
  • okres Prešov ŠKODA Fabia biela
  • okres Prešov Stará Ľubovňa VW Golf Čierna

Streda 25.7.

14 patches on marked police vehicles and 10 unmarked police vehicles
Police Patrol

  • D1 ŠKODA Superb Black Sedan Highway, VW Passat Black Sedan, Audi A4
    Škoda Fabia white
  • okres Prešov VW Blue Golf
  • okres Prešov ŠKODA Superb Sedan
  • okres Prešov ŠKODA Superb Sedan
  • okres Prešov VW Blue Golf
  • okres Kežmarok VW Blue Golf
  • ] District Stará Ľubovňa VW Golf black

Thursday 26. 07.

19 patrols on police vehicles marked and 11 unmarked
Police Patrol

  • D1 ŠKODA Superb Black Sedan Highway, VW Passat Black Sedan, Audi A4
    Škoda Fabia white
  • okres Prešov VW Blue Golf
  • okres Prešov ŠKODA Superb Sedan
  • okres Prešov ŠKODA Superb Sedan
  • okres Prešov VW Blue Golf
  • okres Kežmarok VW Blue Golf
  • ] okres Vranov n / t ŠKODA Fabia biela
  • okra Stará Ľubovňa VW Golf čierna

Friday 27. 07.

14 patches on police vehicles marked and 7 unmarked
Police Patrol

  • D1 ŠKODA Superb Black Sedan Highway, VW Passat Black Sedan, Audi A4
    kombi čierna
  • okres Prešov VW Golf blue
  • okres Prešov ŠKODA Fabia biela
  • okres Bardejov ŠKODA Fabia biela
  • okres Vranov nd T ŠKODA Fabia biela

Sobota 28. 07. ] 23 patrols on marked police vehicles and 10 unmarked patrols
Police Patrol

  • D1 ŠKODA Superb Black Sedan Highway, VW Passat Black Sedan, Audi A4
    ŠKODA Fabia white
  • okres Šumperk ŠKODA Fabia biela
  • okres Šumperk ŠKODA Fabia biela
  • okres Šumperk ŠKODA Fabia biela
  • okres Šumperk ŠKODA Fabia biela
  • white
  • okres Stará Ľubovňa VW Golf black [19659015] Sunday 29. 07.

    12 patrols of marked and 8 unmarked police vehicles
    Police Patrol

    • D1 ŠKODA Superb Black Sedan Highway, VW Passat Black Sedan, Audi A4
      ŠKODA Fabia white
    • okres Prešov ŠKODA Fabia white
    • okres Prešov VW blue Golf
    • okres Bardejov ŠKODA Fabia white
    • ŠKODA Fabia white
    • Our website FB and you always have fresh information from Prešov and the surroundings

      Photo: ilustrační

      Zdroj: Today24.de

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