Russia arrested a scientist of value, accused of espionage for NATO


A scientist is currently detained in Moscow.

Russian police arrest Viktor Kudriavceva, a 74-year-old research scientist in Russian space astronomy, on suspicion of denouncing hypersonic missiles in one of NATO's member states

One scientist is currently detained in Moscow, the news station of the BBC Tuesday in reference to the statement of the Russian space agency Roskosmos.

Russian agents carried out Friday's raid on the CNIIMas de Roskosmos (Central Institute of Mechanical Engineering), located in the city of Koroles near Moscow.


According to the Russian newspaper Kommersant, a dozen local investigators are suspected of divulging classified information. The alleged espionage concerns hypersonic missiles capable of flying five times faster than sound. Suspects could be charged with high treason up to 20 years in prison

Viktor Kudriavcev is an expert in gas and liquid dynamics and has won a state award in his past. In 2016, along with other scientists, he signed a letter of support for spacecraft designer and spacecraft designer Vladimir Lapygina

The Russian Ministry of Defense has released new videos of his latest weapons last Thursday. Among them, two new hypersonic rocket systems – Kinzal and Avangard – capable of carrying nuclear warheads

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