Police arrested three drunk drivers one of whom had two


Police on Monday arrested three drivers driving under the influence of alcohol.

One of them measured more than two promised, banning him in the past from driving motor vehicles and still holding a driver's license. They are threatened with a term of imprisonment of up to one year.

"A three-driver test, monitored by the police the day before, ended in a positive result.The three unconscious drivers are already facing charges of danger of being under the influence. influence of an addictive substance.After performing the necessary tasks, they were placed in a police detention cell.They will be implemented in the "

The worst was the alcohol test at the driver who was driving at night on the D2 highway. "A noticeably slow drive from one side to the other threatened the other road users," said the spokeswoman. The driver measured the first test 2.4 per thousand, repeated 2.31

. "Lustration in police records revealed that the driver had been banned three times in the past by the prohibition of driving vehicles while the driver still holds a driver's license"

Two other drivers, Daniel , 22, and Stanislav, 60, were killed in more than one drink, and in both cases the police restricted their personal freedom and were escorted to the appropriate police department [19659003] "An irresponsible driver who runs under the influence of alcohol has threatened the life and health of innocent people, threat of imprisonment up to one year, according to the Penal Code," Mihalíková

The police recalls that alcohol reduces the ability to concentrate and respond to the traffic situation. It calls on drivers not to expose their lives and the lives and health of other road users by their irresponsible conduct under the influence of alcohol

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