Older people in Kosice found the unconscious body of women († 76): The police investigation case


The construction of the Social Service Center of Kosice, Garbiarska Street, found the body unbearable of a 76-year-old woman, client of the social services establishment in which she lived.

It is believed that she committed suicide by jumping common areas on the fourth floor. Jan Valko, director of the establishment, told reporters on Tuesday the regret of the incident and the sincere condolences of the survivors. He stated that, according to their information, a woman had no family in Slovakia with regard to her state of health, had several medical and psychiatric diagnoses The woman's body found after 6:00 h employees of the establishment. The attending physician, according to the records at 7:30 am, set the expected time of death at 6:00 am.

"I am really sorry that this happened and I believe that even all senior and senior managers have been immensely affected by our daily work to take care of our customers, "said the director who interrupted the holidays for the event

The woman had been in the establishment since 2008 with the 4th degree of last year, he was recognized as the 5th degree of caregivers. " Since 2013, she is under constant psychological supervision, and she has undergone 17 psychological examinations in total this year, two times this year, one in January and the second in April. Since 2014, the psychiatric examination has been recommended several times because of the fact that she had health problems and that they had an effect on her psyche. She had a lot of health problems and, of course, psychiatric diagnoses. said Valko. The client refused to take an examination for a psychiatrist whose device had been contracted. "The investigation was refused by another psychiatrist, she is right and will participate in the investigation if she sees fit," he said.

Valko added that in their case, it was for the inclusion of older people who host them, not for health care facilities. He said the problem was that clients often hide their current medical health records despite the challenges. He refused to answer the question of withdrawing in the course of the case.

Death investigates the police, the investigator has initiated criminal prosecution for the cause of the murder. " The police still have no official report on the cause of the death of a 76-year-old woman, after receiving the official report on the result of the autopsy, the police decides the following procedure ". the function (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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