In Mexico, they shot another journalist


Rubena Pata Cauicha shot dead yet unknown criminals.

A third victim of media violence in Mexico was in Playa del Carmen, about 60 kilometers from the world-famous tourist destination of Cancun in the southeastern Central American Republic, Weekly News and Playa News.

Rubena Pata Cauicha so far, none of the local authors know when they left the company in Playa del Carmen.

Playa News, which, as a result of the violence, lost one of the reporters in June, reported on events in an area known by the Mayan culture and beautiful beaches

L & # 39; DPA news agency also informed Austrian public radio ORF

Mexico is one of the most dangerous regions on the planet in terms of journalism, last year, 13 journalists were murdered. , this year by eight media representatives. But since 2000, more than 100 journalists have been killed in the country as a result of the deaths of more than 100 people.

Playa News described Tuesday as "the crime of black journalism". At the same time, he called on the authorities of the Mexican state concerned to stop the violence against journalists

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