Gray turbidity has no time – Health and prevention – Health


23.07.2018 16:00

  eye, haze, ophthalmologist,

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Time is healed, says the Slovak proverb. In the case of cataracts, as the mist is professionally called, it does not apply.

Opticians deny the myth of its maturation. misprision
the disease can lead to serious complications, in extreme cases
to blindness

None of us will be shunned for an age-related illness. Lens with influence
the metabolic processes that unfold in the process, will become cloudy for everyone later.
The question is when we decide to remove the disease. This is possible only
thanks to a safe and painless operation that is

The impact of current technologies and electromagnetic radiation is not
Cataract is just a problem for the elderly. They are however opticians
they turn most often. "If an older person does not have enough stimuli,
he stops moving and communicating with the environment. Very soon, he can
show dementia. If other diseases add a gray haze, many
will negatively affect his vision. From the perspective of the ophthalmologist, it is the surgery
cataracts and prevention of cerebral atrophy due to age-related changes, "
recalls the head of the Clinic of the eye of Bratislava NeoVision MUDr. Radovan

Do not mature

Gray turbidity does not need to be ripened to be removed. Slurry in the lens
that is why it hardens the time that can be spent in the lobby
add other complications. "Cataract surgery is now
the most commonly performed operation at all. It takes a few minutes, it's
painless, safe, and even during this time it is even possible to remove the glasses
read, both far away and both

However, it all depends on the individual options of a particular patient.
Therefore, it is very important to be interested not only in the state of his sight but also
about his job, his hobbies and his expectations, "continues the doctor of eyes Adriana.

The surgery is preceded by a thorough examination and an individual interview
with the patient. Vision variance affects the most quality of life, as
through it we receive up to 80% of all information from the surrounding
environment. The result of the operation therefore depends on a number of factors
a real human approach of a patient

Doctor or robot

The patient before the procedure fights against the multiple consequences of cataract,
that his ordinary life is considerably bored: sensitivity to light,
blurred vision, blurred images, colors with a whitish touch

"The neighborhood attributes to his family lethargy in many other cases
cause. However, the patient often loses energy and has the desire to communicate because
they simply can not see. After the surgery, she suddenly becomes mentally alive. Read again,
watch your favorite TV programs. He sees, communicates, everything
improves, "says Dr. Piovarch

Today, you can decide on a procedure that is tightly in your hand
operating doctor, or laser. In laser cataract surgery
Femtosecond laser does not use ophthalmic surgeon scalpel or other
tools. The robot replaces a scalpel with a laser beam controlled by a computer,
be constantly controlled by the surgeon. The whole procedure is complete
without touching the human hand

The purpose of each procedure is the same. Clear cloud
lens and replace it with a new, artificial one. Already the second day after surgery

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