Filming in Toronto was not a terrorist attack


Sunday filming in Toronto, Canada, is not related to terrorism. Canadian investigators have reassessed based on the results of the research so far, as links with the theme of terrorism have not yet been found.

AP reported Tuesday. Investigators examine all traces that could explain why the alleged attacker identified as Faisal Hussain, a 29-year-old resident, began shooting at people in bars and cafes

Hussain lost his life in a police shootout, and it was unclear whether he killed or killed the cops. His family said Monday that he was suffering from mental problems, especially psychosis and depression "In this phase, based on the state of the investigation conducted by the police in Toronto, there is no connection between this person and national security, " said (19659006) After the attack “/>

The scene of the incident was the Toronto part of Greektown, where the attacker shot at restaurants and cafes. According to witnesses, a man wearing black clothes and a dark hat fired 20 to 30 times A ten-year-old girl and an eighteen-year-old woman were born, 13 other elderly people ages 10 to 59 were injured to varying degrees

AP reported that mass shooting is rare in the Canadian city Last weekend, however, Toronto police deployed reinforcements in streets in response to the recent increase in violent firearms offenses

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