The controversial way in Crimea stirred political waters: Marcek revealed DETAILS


Peter Marcek said that government party representatives also went to Crimea, but they did not want to pronounce specific names. They are afraid that pressure will be put on legislators. Apart from that, only the name of the single Martina Šimkovičová is known, but it is a violation of the law. Crimea should be visited by three MPs for the Smer-SD government and one for the CIS. The most hidden MPs refused to continue their way.

Frankly, he does not know who will go

According to Marcek, they go to Crimea all together, but everyone buys a ticket himself. "We pay the hotel on the spot.We fly Saturday, July 31 from Bratislava to Moscow by Pobeda last weekend.We will fly on August 4 at 18:05 by Pobeda from Moscow," said for Topky Marcek. Who go? He did not want to make it happen.

"Until now, we have agreed that there will be five parliamentarians, 11 entrepreneurs and two journalists.I say the truth, I do not know who picks up tickets, who does not say not and that goes away.I will see you at the airport.I think all business people, " said Marcek. Everyone goes in private during their free time. "id =" 2148645 "border =" 0 "style =" width: 454px; "/>

Vlado Anjel

Source: Vlado Anjel

I want to see if Crimea really wants to belong to Russia

Marcek says that the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already been informed that they are under threat of a ban to enter Ukraine. "I asked through the Diplomacy Department that I am going to Crimea to see the alleged violation of the human rights of the local population. media ", . " Each state has its own territory. This territory belongs to the people who live in this region. Ukraine, Slovakia, Syria, the United States, France, Spain, Britain, Turkey, Palestine, Israel and Russia are democratic states, "[19659005] the way to Crimea. "They have put in place a governance structure for the management and management of their territories, but each of these countries respects the principle that the will of the people is the highest principle that all other legal norms are derived from ", written .

<img src = "" title = "Peter Marček" alt = "Source: SITA / Branislav Bibel

Marcek wants to to go to Crimea to find out if the people of Crimea really want to belong to Russia. "I want to know if the wishes of the people of Crimea are really such that they want to belong to Russia, or if the intervention of Russia in the will of the people is such that it prevents the Crimea from belonging to Ukraine. If I learn one or the other, I will inform the citizens of Slovakia after their return, " Marcek said.

The land belongs to who lives on [19659003] Marcek has the right to visit Crimea "I perceive the Slovak Republic, Ukraine and Russia as countries where there is no reason to restrict whoever and where one of these countries authorizes or forbids the entry of anyone on its territory " according to him, also for immigrants from Africa who are going to Europe because they can. But their arrival is illegal

Three deputies in Crimea plan to go to Crimea, Marcek says

"I understand the attitude of Ukraine and I also understand the attitude of Russia. Their opinions differ. Each party knows exactly why the other party is pleading in his favor, " said in the opinion.There are two views on the situation in Crimea, says an unborn member. [19659004] "I want, and that it is everywhere in the world, to think that the earth belongs to the people who live there! If most of them say, we want to fall into such a state, it is not more power than the will of men " thinks Marcek.

If Ukraine is threatened by some Marcek, Miklos and Dzurinda have apparently not helped

"My expert opinion, experts, experts, advisers" Everybody is wise and decides if it is legal, wise, possible.The Ukrainian ambassador said that he would ban my entry into the territory of Ukraine.Excuse me but do you know how to do that? I will not attack Ukraine in any way.And if the leadership of Ukraine thinks that the march of a Marchek for four days in Crimea will jeopardize its trading possibilities, our advisers Miklos and Dzurinda have not helped them much, when a man depends on the ability of Ukraine to argue. "

 Dvousobný to express Mikuláš Dzurinda

Source: TASR / Vladimír Benko

The perplexity of Marcek on this subject is felt by politicians and journalists. "As is often the case, people are willing to do it without the support of politicians who merely shake their heads to push them into the US and European leadership," 19659004 "Anyone who claims that someone does not have the right to travel freely is a man who denies freedom of movement, and I have already experienced it when the communists do not have me." Permitted to travel where I wanted.If Ukraine thinks that is his territory, let me pass a passport to a Ukrainian police station at the airport in Crimea. and when he is Russian, I will pass him a passport, "said Markek, adding:" .

Danko critic Mušek

The President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Danko , asked the Ukrainian Ambassador to the Slovak Republic, Jurij Mušek, not to comment on the member's private travels s of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. "The members of the National Council have their legal and social status.Slovakia is a sovereign and democratic state.If any citizen, a member of the National Council of the RS, decides where he goes, no ambassador will not talk about going there or not. "[196599021]

  Controversial trip to Crimea

Source: TASR – Jakub Kotian


The head of the SNS Danko jumped the Ukrainian ambassador: What he allows is unfairly

Mr. Muška repeatedly violates the protocol and repeatedly repeatedly inappropriately expresses not only members of the National Council of the RS, but also representatives of the state. The President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic therefore requests the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic to summon Mušek to be summoned and warned that such statements threatening the Deputy of the National Council are inconsistent with his mandate. his rules, and Mr. Muska must realize that he has the right to his opinion and attitude, but that's where it starts and ends. I believe that they publicly justify the threats that have arisen. If a member of the National Council decides to go not only in Crimea, but even on the moon, no one can intimidate. This is their unofficial way and their free will outside the Slovak Parliament. Ukrainian law for Slovak citizens does not appeal to Mr. Mušek, you can know " to the Ukrainian Ambassador to RS The President of the National Council of SR Andrej Danko

Muškove vyjádření

The members of the National Council (NR) September prepare for Russia annexed by Crimea to investigate domestic affairs, violate Ukrainian laws. "I am not happy with this decision. Those who come to invite the occupation government violate Ukrainian laws. The Ukrainian side will answer, I think that they will be banned from going to Ukraine in the future. " said the ambassador of Ukraine to Slovakia, Yuri Muska, who has already written a letter to the Slovak political parties to address his deputies

  controversial travel to Crimea

Source: TASR / Pavel Neubauer, TASR / Michal Svitok

According to the Bugarians, it is unacceptable that the deputies visit the Crimea

annexed by the Crimea. Bugbars said on the social network, saying that it is unacceptable. "They are not private, but they represent the landscape, even in my free time.According to international law, Crimea is a Ukrainian territory, and this fact is recognized both by the EU and the EU. NATO as well as by the official foreign policy line of the RS. Slovakia did not accept the Russian annexation of Crimea and considers that the peninsula is part of Ukraine, and the Slovak representatives should behave accordingly The sovereignty of the country and its deputies is demonstrated in democracy, inter alia, by respect for the agreements, " Dodge Most-Hid.

The problem of Kollár

The path of a group of deputies led by Petr Marcek Crimea considers the problem as a leader We are the family of Boris Kollar. "I can love the Russian people or sympathize with Putin, but it's not right, personally I would not even go there as a private person, but they go there as MPs. and needlessly add oil to the fire.It was very unfortunate, " Kollar said.

  Boris Kollar and candidate

Source: SITA / Branislav Bibel

Slovakia has not yet acknowledged the withdrawal of Kosovo from Serbia, and also rejects the illegal occupation of Ukrainian territory, Crimea, Kollar thinks that Is right. "As we do not recognize the break-up of Kosovo from Serbia, we have to be against the Russians annexing Crimea, you have to be coherent, you can not be a bit pregnant, when I disturb Kosovo because that it was cut off illegally, I must also criticize the Crimea, and if a land broke off from the Hungarians and quarreled by referendum, would that be correct, I do not understand that these deputies do not see that "[19659013] criticizes the group of deputies NRSR Kollar

Foreign policy is not so simple

The Ukraine considers the crime as its territory. Highlighting anything else can disrupt good relations with the eastern neighbor. That's what political scientist Radoslav Štefančík told Topky. However, the Ukrainian side knows that some deputies of Slovakia do not represent the official position of Slovakia "However, she had to take a clear stand on it", Štefančík said with the words that their words in their spare time correspond to their rhetoric

"If we proceed by analogy, we can ask Mr. Marček the inhabitants of Komárno want to live in Slovakia or prefer not to hold a referendum on the connection to Hungary under the leadership of Viktor Orbán." [19659013] Štefančík says that Marcek could find another justification. [19659902] Russia annexed Crimea in the spring of 2014. Moscow first denied that Russian soldiers had come to Crimea, and then claimed that they were soldiers on vacation. At last week's meeting with US President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that "we have held a referendum," according to analysts, admitting that the Kremlin is behind annexation. Both the EU and Russia have reacted to the situation by introducing sanctions that constantly prolong the two communities. Brussels and Washington consider Crimea as Ukrainian territory and invite Russia to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine

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