LibreOffice, a free replacement for Microsoft Office 365, appeared in the Microsoft Store. Someone has downloaded behind the back of the developers


Microsoft Office 365 is the dominant desktop software package on Windows 10 operating systems. There is no doubt about it. However, there are also various alternative applications that can handle most Microsoft office applications.

LibreOffice Free Replacement for Microsoft Office 365

LibreOffice is an open source project that can almost completely replace the Microsoft Office Office suite

LibreOffice 365. Contains several applications such as Writer, Clac, Repress for PowerPoint , Draw, Base and Maths

the application is available in stores for just under 3 USD, but in the trial version, it offers all features in paid version. Below you can see some of the basic features of this practical office suite

However, the application developers, in their official Twitter account, say that someone One has downloaded the application behind their back and the official version of the application download from their site
