Scientists have found water on Mars, the existence of life on the planet is much more likely


BRATISLAVA, July 25 ( – An international science team discovered a water surface on Mars by analyzing images of the Martian satellite. Some scientists talk about the lake, others are worth checking out. The area of ​​liquid water found on the Marsis Mars Express radar lies beneath the ice cap on the south pole of Mars, is 20 kilometers long and deep at least one meter

C & # 39; is a lake

"This result qualifies for designating it as a water surface.In other words, the lake," said Wednesday the team leader Roberto Orosei scientist from the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF)

"This is not just the melted ice that fills the space between ice and rocks" Orosei

The fact that water was once converted to ice after the cooling of the Martian climate was known in the past.Anterior observations have also indicated that Mars should be in some form still today. hui, but the current discovery is the first direct evidence of the existence of a surface of ea u continue on this planet

No quick conclusions

After water in a liquid again, it is more likely that life in the past or even today could exist in March under one form or another. However, scientists warn against hasty conclusions and excessive optimism.

According to Claire Cousins, a British astrobiologist at the University of St Andrews, this water surface should not be frozen, extremely salty. It is assumed that the surface of the ice reaches its temperature minus 10 to minus 30 degrees Celsius. "It is likely that this water will be an extremely cold and extremely concentrated brine, which is a rather difficult environment for life" Cousins ​​told the British BBC

"We are not yet close to life " says Manish Patel of the British Open University. "But the main thing this discovery brings is that it shows us where we need to find further on Mars – it's like a treasure map," adds Patel

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