Diarrhea and vomiting in children: How to treat them correctly and how to be careful?


Many parents would have preferred to go to sleep with their children five times more than a vomiting of diarrhea, or gastroenteritis

Perhaps each parent can identify a carousel related to the baby that overcomes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia and abdominal extraction that a child will bring to the infected person or as a result of spoiled or inappropriate meals [19659005] In the summer, the disease is mainly related to the inadequate hygiene of eating, preparing and storing food. Diarrhea and nausea are therefore only a symptom of the disease and are usually an attempt by our body to break free from the harmful cause of these symptoms. or loss of fluid The frequent loss of fluid in the form of diarrhea and vomiting also contributes to increased body temperature, accelerated breathing or sweating

Children are very sensitive to fluid losses and, in the case of gastroenteritis, (19659005) It is true that the younger the baby, the more dehydration is sensitive Dehydration in a child is a reason to consult a doctor if the baby can not supplement fluids normally (or drink)

Symptoms of Dehydration

  • Urination (the baby is not sick for more than 8 hours) is an early symptom of dehydration. The deeply soaked urine is also indicated for dehydration. If the urine is pale yellow, it is not dehydration
  • Dryness of the tongue and the inner side of the mouth.
  • In the case of infants, the swollen fontanel on the head of the -fontanela is a soft spot on the head that grows progressively at age
  • Dry eyes with tingling reduced or no
  • Capillary return slow – behind Normally, after pressing the nail bed, it does not take a white color, and after releasing the pressure, the original color comes back within 2 seconds. When it is dehydrated, this time is prolonged and re-infusion of the nail takes more than 2 seconds.
  • The baby is tired and acts like a sick person. In case of severe dehydration, if a child is too weak to stand up, vertiginous vertigo is attempted by trying to position themselves. If the baby is playful, happy and that the administration is normal, he is not dehydrated.

    When do you do it at home and when do you call a doctor?

    Calls 112 immediately when the child:

    • does not move or can not follow
    • you can not wake him up
    • life-threatening

    Visit the service. urgency when:

    • is a dehydrated child. It does not rain for more than 8 hours, the urine is dark, the mouth dry and the tears do not tear
    • if you notice blood in the stools or black stools
    • Abdominal pains even occur when the child does not return
    • (19659011) Serious vomiting (refutation of everything) for more than 8 hours while receiving only clean water
    • In case of malfunctions (if this is not the case) is not a regular meal after a meal) immunity
    • When the fever is above 40 ° C
    • If the baby looks very sick
    • If you think the problem is urgent and that the child must consult a doctor

    Find a doctor within 24 hours, if

    • is a child less than a year old and returns
    • if the child has less than One year and the diarrhea lasts more than 24 hours
    • If the child has returned more than 24 hours
    • If the fever lasts longer of 3 days
    • If he does not think that the problem is urgent, but you think the child should see the doctor

    Attention to the pain of the abdomen [19659036] Special attention should be paid to abdominal pain – it is important to note how long it takes or diarrhea, if the baby will be relieved in one of the positions. If abdominal pain persists without rebound or diarrhea – if only with mild relief, the abdomen is inflamed, hard or sore to the touch, seek medical attention immediately. Again, I would preferlessly neglect childcare If you are not sure, consult a doctor

    How can you take it home?

    In non-serious cases, it is possible to take care of the baby's diarrhea and diarrhea at home. Try to give the baby a drink – a spoon, gradually In pharmacy, rehydration preparations are available that help irrigate the body and deliver minerals that lose their return or diarrhea .

    Infants (unhealthy):

    • From the beginning, babies receive oral rehydration solution for 8 hours – after spoonfuls or in a 5 – 10 ml syringe, at a distance of. about 5 minutes. After 4 hours, double the volume to be administered
    • After 8 hours, readmit the original milk diet (according to the baby's tolerance)


    • and the baby comes back, breastfeeding initially in small amounts
    • administer the oral rehydration solution for 4 hours, small amounts of spoonfuls or a 5-10 ml syringe every 5-10 minutes
    • Next, try to inflate the baby again in small amounts. If you tolerate smaller amounts, gradually increase your baby's volume.

    Older children (more than one year)

    • Administer oral rehydration solution for 8 hours in small amounts – two to three teaspoons every 5-10 minutes
    • After 4 hours, increase the volume of the solution to be administered, after 8 hours, use ordinary liquids – water, tea and the like
    • Do not give bubble-flavored drinks or fruit juices and juices that can cause diarrhea. 19659052] Do not give to the child who returns an acute diet, even in a mixed state, at an acute stage. After 8 hours, add some solid meals, but start with light meals – Baked potatoes without ointment and without milk, banana, dry rice and the like Avoid fats, milk, spices and irritants

      Do not take medication without the doctor's advice for the first 8 hours. In case of fever over 38.5 degrees C, administer the anti-fever medication in young children, preferably in the form of rectal suppositories, to avoid unnecessary irritation

      If the child returns fluid during more than 8 hours or hours, the baby returns blood or bile, has persistent pain in the abdomen, shows signs of dehydration, worsens or has doubts, seek medical attention.

      • Finally:
        • if vomiting occurs with diarrhea, treating vomiting, diarrhea
        • Diarrhea is the natural way the body is cleansed of germs

        When you overcome gastroenteritis, you are armed with patience. There is rarely a family history of infection, preventing the use of probiotics that can sometimes prevent or at least lessen the symptoms. The most common cause of infectious gastroenteritis is rotavirus. Against them, a baby can be vaccinated and thus the disease can prevent or prevent the complications associated with the disease

        How to treat diarrhea and vomiting? Do not put cola or big broth, do not give …

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