The Romanian Prime Minister missed the big cities during the visit


Romanian Prime Minister Dancila is considered in Romania as the inexperienced politician and "puppet" of the leader of the PSD, Livio Dragneu.

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila had a difficult time during a visit to Montenegro, having met with his counterpart Duško Markovič in Podgorica, delighted to be able to travel to Pristina.

She mentioned the capital of neighboring Kosovo, although Romania has not yet recognized the unilateral separation of that territory from Serbia, APA news agency Dancila reported on Thursday. A joint press conference with Markovic. "

The diplomatic misstep

But the mistake did not escape the Romanian press and the chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Dancila (PSD), which is not otherwise prone to self-blame, on Thursday he admitted "a serious diplomatic misstep."

Dancila (54), according to the APA in Romania, is considered both as a inexperienced politician and as a "puppet" of the leader of the PSD, Livia Dragne, who can not, according to the legislation in force, be considered the Prime Minister, as he was convicted of fraud

He arrived at a situation similar in June when his name, before visiting the Estonian Prime Minister Juri Ratas, came out of his memory before the cameras go on.In May, she did not hesitate to meet another guest – Croatian colleague Andrej Plenkovic – when she did not wait for the anthem of his country for the accuei llir

Last year, Dancila was named European MEP in an interview with the Iranian and Pakistani journalist. (f, f, q, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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