Mars may not be the only one. Water can also be found in many other worlds


The most popular candidate is the month of Europe

BRATISLAVA. Water in the liquid state is one of the basic elements of life as we know it. And the only known planet on which the existence of water was confirmed was the beginning of this week Earth

This is no longer the case. Scientists have found the first clear evidence of the presence of water flowing over Mars. We know that there were quite different conditions on the red planet in the past, and the lakes and rivers were on the surface.

See also: Where are they all? Why have we never found extraterrestrial life

After researching space life, the search for water is one of the grains of space research. Especially to know if we are in the universe or not ourselves

The second reason is a little more selfish. We are looking for worlds that could colonize and spread among the stars in the future. We can not survive without water and the world we can find running water is potentially

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Scientists will learn several ways to derive the presence of water or the underground ocean in another world: magnetic and gravitational field measurements, modeling of planets, radioactive decay models or exploration of light passing through water vapor projections

The following solar system worlds are the best candidates for finding water in the liquid state


Jupiter Europe is probably the place most promising where not only the ocean of water could be found under the ice, but also the best living conditions.

The ocean water can be roughly 15 to 25 kilometers. up to 150 kilometers

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