PHOTO: The most beautiful girl will take your breath away


An unknown girl was tagged "the most beautiful girl in the world" after the photographer posted her photo on Instagram.

A 5-year-old Jare became popular thanks to photographer Mofe Bamuyiwa of Nigeria, who published a photo on the social network in which she literally looks like a doll with beautiful big eyes and feathers [19659003] as Mofe shared his portrait on Instagram last Friday, marked them as magnificent and beautiful "Oh, yes, it's a man! Looks like an angel!" wrote under the post of its author, who saw the wedding ceremony

  Jare s jeho Open the gallery

Fans have found people with unpleasant comments claiming that it is an entire photoshop, or that the girl has a wig attached, writes Mirror. Still, little Jare was admired, and her photo, which she looks really adorable, touched the whole world.

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