Summer tears: children struggle with sharp, truncated wounds and fractures during the holidays


The summer holidays are in full swing. Injuries of a different kind are not avoided by children. What are the most common accidents among physicians during this period?

  Illustration Illustration for article Summer Tricks: Children on vacation suffer from cuts and trauma and fractures



Children are mainly hospitalized during the summer holidays
with cuts or truncated wounds that require sewing.
For TASR, a spokeswoman for the National Institute of Childhood Diseases (NÚDCH)
Dana Kamenická

"In July, we examined the surgical clinic
Emergency Departments of NUDD 1292 small patients, i. on average
56 patients per day, compared to June, average daily
81 patients treated. Many children had to be hospitalized at
Pediatric surgery clinic and had to undergo surgery in the set
anesthesia, "
informed Kamenická.

Were then the fractures, which recorded a total of 204. Most were
broken shoulder bone, forearm and fingers. She called the alarming
number of fractures of the skull at the hospital. In July, doctors treated them for the moment
five cases.

Increasing curiosity and thinking about new things in children
Doctor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University (LF
UK) and Pavel Šink's NÚDCH to their natural development, it is therefore necessary
to make sure the holidays are safe

The causes of the injuries are different. At pools, you have to pay attention to
Slippery roadway around the pool. When you jump in the water
it does not hurt either because the children threaten to keep their head on the edge of the pool
or stairs. Doctors, as well as bicycle accidents, skateboards, are common
or trampoline. There have also been falls of their own size and obrania

Kamenická stresses that it is important to prevent injuries.
"The youngest children who do not know the risks yet
resulting from the activity they are currently doing, it is important that they do so
Adult children have learned or may have prevented harm to the child.
For older children, follow adult or adult guidelines
educators in the camps, not to engage in certain activities in fervor
entertainment, use protective aids. It is good to provide for children
an organized activity under surveillance, "


Photo: Illustrative

Source: TASR

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