The Slovak National Gallery celebrates the seventy


Celebration of Živijó! will appeal to children and adults, lovers of fine arts, music and gastronomy

27. July 2018 at 22:57 SITA

BRATISLAVA. The Slovak National Gallery celebrates the seventies. The highest and most central Slovak galleries prepared the birthday party "Živijó!" Saturday

A small, rich summer festival of exhibitions, programs, music and good meals will take place on the eve of SNG's birthday on July 28th from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm. : 00 at the national headquarters of the National Gallery in Bratislava, Ľudovít Štúr. Ladislav Gnacková, Director of Advertising SNG, informed

Within four hours, the SNG has prepared a varied program. Aside from the start, SNG Executive Director Alexandra Kusá will take visitors around the reconstructed gallery. For families with children, they open creative workshops. Art lovers can follow the work of curators, restorers, experts in digitization and other professional professions. Curator Katarína Bajcurová will be accompanied by the newly opened exhibition FILLA – FULLA / Destiny of the Artist – Destiny of the Artist.

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With curators Dušan Buran and Katarina Kolbiarz Chmelinová, visitors are confused with the unstable exposure of Gothic and Baroque nestex. In the evening, the gallery will present the documentary "70 Years of SNG" and the audiovisual show "Horizon" by Ján Šick and the musician Pjoni, both created especially for this occasion. Throughout the evening, a summer terrace will be available in front of the Esterházy Palace with refreshments and music.

On July 29, 1948, the SNG was founded by the writer and politician Ladislav Novomeský as a public institution of art, history, collection, science and art. Cultural education. He constantly builds collections of works of art of various nationalities. The collection fund, which started with 500 collectibles, now has nearly 70,000 directors and managers were replaced on the chair, the longest being Karol Vaculík at the SNG in 1952 – 1970. Originally SNG had 13 employees In 1965, the Zvolenský zámek was renovated in 1969 with a collection of ancient art from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century and the new building of the Ľudovíta Gallery. Fullu in Ruzomberok. In 1972, Strážky's Renaissance mansion in Spišská Beleja was encircled by Ladislav Mednyansky's English Park

In 1973, the SNG Schaubmarov became part of the Pezinok – Cajla Baroque period with functional grinding technology. The years under the roof of the pavilion of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, the SNG participates in the Biennale of International Art of Venice

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