The attack against the men in Zilina will be handled by NAKA


If the culprit turns out to be guilty, the punishment can go up to ten years. July 2018 at 13:54 (updated July 27, 2018 at 16:50) TASR

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BRATISLAVA. A spontaneous response to the attack of three young men near the New Synagogue in Žilina last week was organized Friday by the city center organized by the organizers of another theater and kiosk

"The festival is widely open to public space, a city on the same road, where the attackers chased the three young men and the people who portrayed them in a very simple and physical way to emphasize that violence affects all, "said the curator of the new synagogue Ivan Rumanova

Read also: The Roma Union plans to protest peacefully after the bombing of Žilina

The regional leadership of the Police of the Zilina Regional Council in Žilina Radko Moravčík informed Friday that the case of a 21-year-old man Friday night (20.7 Kuzmany Street in Žilina, two other men who tried it

Judge of t District Court, Žilina, for the preliminary proceedings, filed a petition at the center of the prosecutor's office and decided to be arrested by Lukáš Zilina, 21, Tadeáš, 22, from Zilina District and 23 Petra from Zilina, aged one year, who is charged with committing a crime for harm to health and causing hooliganism

"The reason for this connection was the fear of continuing the crime. Milan Cisarik, prosecutor and prosecutor of the regional prosecutor's office of Žilina

According to the spokesperson, the young men spent a Friday night (21.7.) On Kuzmany Street in Žilinafyzicky. attacking a 21 year old man and then two other men aged 19 and 31 who tried to prevent them from being attacked

"Two men were attacked with a serious injury," said spokesman Canton police. he is likely to be sentenced to four to ten years in prison

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