Trošková: Violent conflict with neighbors


This is how you do not find kamošov. Former Prime Minister Mária Trošková (30), who had to leave her post after the murder of journalist Jana Kuciak († 27), moved into a luxury duplex apartment in Bratislava Petržalka.

But she did not make a good name with her new neighbors. When she was moved, the disorder remained in disarray. In addition, state authorities admitted that they had helped bring things to the news, and the protectors asked by Robert Fico (53).

It is Fico who has Trošková in a lucrative loop, and a sexist with surrogate surgeons established. Kuciakov unfinished text describes his connection with the Italian Mafia, and Trošková had to break with the Government Office

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Mladá Púchovčanka then found accommodation in Petržalka, where she was assisted by Ficov protector. "For the Ministry of the Interior and the Office of the Protection of Civil Servants, it should be noted that this is not a former government official who was sacked and the protector acted at the request of the government. a protected person, "writes Petar Lazarov, spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior. I Direction. "Security officers who are assigned to former Prime Minister Robert Fic have returned from the government office in the field of business, where they have collected personal data from the former prime minister who is stayed there after his departure.In addition, there were personal belongings of a former employee of the Government Office, Mrs. Troskova, who handed her over during the return trip, "said Spokesperson Smeru Ján Mažgút

  Trošková byt The attacker considers this action outrageous. "They said it was at the request of Mr. Fico, it's even worse than I thought." The staff of the Office for the Protection of Civil Servants constitutional law has nothing to do with such a service, "said Zapojnik .

But herself, Trošková made bad relations with the new neighbors at first, because after her in her locker room was left unpunished disorder. The delayed boxes looked like the apartment's packaging. "Dear Mrs. Trošková: Apart from you, there are other people here too, so please do it to behave yourself and get rid of your mess in a garbage can," left him a brave link to the hallway. Workers in the middle of the apartment stood in front of the apartment and removed the mess after Troskova. (F, f, q, f) return (n = f.fbq = function ()) function (f, f, {n.callMethod?
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