Forget the GPS: In a few years, navigation will be accurate to the nearest centimeter


Accurate navigation to centimeters and a rescue system that will also find you at sea. The European Megaprojekt of Galileo is almost fully operational, today sent the last missing satellites to the sky.

For two decades, Europe has developed its own satellite system called Galileo. For its full functionality, it needs 30 satellites in the sky. After today, it is a little closer to that. Four more satellites are sent to the sky, and the capacity is full and the miracles can be started slowly

"It is not yet fully operational, it is now in test mode.It is expected to end in 2020, when all the services will be in place, "said Jakub Kapuš, of the Slovak Space Organization.

TouchIT's editor-in-chief, Ondrej Macko, says that there are some problems with some satellites they have, but believe that "now it will work in great."

Galileo will be used virtually everywhere

With a precision of centimeters, for example, a new satellite system can steer the car. Here was a deviation in meters.

"There may also be systems that will help me find a parking spot with absolute accuracy to actually become free," said Macko. there is also a service this to find and save that when you lose at sea or you get a disaster, you can send a backup signal.

While Galileo is in trial mode, the number of its users is steadily increasing. The Union is proud of the fact that it does not have an army and is therefore fully under civilian control, and its development will be crucial in the coming years for the development of the Union. whole of the European Union

  Soyuz Russian racquet with 3rd and 4th European navigation system Galileo (archive image)
Russian Soyuz racquets with 3rd and 4th satellites of the European navigation system Galileo. (19659014) Photo: TASR

"The universe is strategic for us, it is closely related to our economy.More than a tenth of our GDP is now related to space activities, so we must continue to to be world leaders in this direction, "said Maroš Šefčovič, European Commissioner.

Satellites that were launched Wednesday (July 25) one of them bears the name of Samuel, according to a boy from Partizánsky, who won an art contest on the theme of space and the cosmos

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