Fortnite for Android comes in August. Exclusive to Galaxy Note 9


FOTO: Essylt –

Fortnite has not yet reached PUBG Mobile in terms of availability. While the first named and equally successful title can only be enjoyed by iOS device owners, PUBG Mobile is also available for the Android platform.

Fortnite is a huge success, but it's the same competition of the same battle. According to the latest data, Fortnite generates about $ 2 million and we are only talking about the mobile version

The game's authors have already announced that the Android version will come in the summer. However, they were not more accurate.



  Fortnite for the Nintendo Switch </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The game will be exclusive part of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 smartphone, which will be introduced <strong> 9. August </strong>. The plans are based on Samsung's partnership with the developers of Epic Games </p>
<p>  The exclusive availability will, of course, be limited in time. Resources say about <strong> 30 days </strong> which is enough. Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is, among other things, an excellent gaming device. It is even said about the Pen's support Pen, </p>
<p>  If the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 does not plan to buy and the Fortnite game you want, patience will probably take you until September. The fans of Samsung will certainly be excited and the others … </p>
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