PHOTO: The Incarnation of the Moon, the shooting stars and the visible Mars of Kráľová near Zvolen


The extraordinary experience of observation – the complete eclipse of the Moon, was accompanied by the Zvolenčanom

ZVOLEN / KRÁĽOVÁ. Many lovers and photographers have chosen to observe the longest complete eclipse of the Moon in this century at the other end of the village of Zvolen, where there was not much of light shining out of the city. Some of us chose Pustý Castle, another Bak Jama.

We were chosen in Kráľová near Zvolen, where a fairly large number of people gathered to observe this phenomenon. On the way, we met 30 good cars. The whole phenomenon was observed around nine-thirty, the complete eclipse was exactly 22.22

See also: The moon showed us and came out of the clouds Until about 10:35 pm, but it was an unforgettable experience, "said photographer Milan Černák.We watched this beautiful natural theater almost until midnight, the other friends were already gone, and we were so almost alone in the Králova

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It has its advantage.We started in the "silence" which, with the crickets crickets, has widened Below us was the illuminated Zvolen.A couple of shooting stars was added to the main program of the evening.

Nature slowly showed us to discover the moon in many wonderful pictures. How when a painter paints a beautiful canvas From time to time, dark clouds surmounted the moon to appear in full parade, then to hide again for a while

Friday night was exceptional. Mother Nature showed her her incomparable charm. And few know that under the Mesiacom people showed Mars in fullness

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