Marek Hrivík looks forward to his performance in Podolsko, he wants to play in the world championships


PODOĽSK 29 July (WebNovinysk) – Slovakian striker Marek Hrivík has at least for a while closed the overseas chapter of his career. The native of Čadca agreed to cooperate with the Russian participant of the Continental Hockey League (KHL) Vitiaz Podolsk, with whom he signed the contract for two years

All at a high level

Hrivík knew in February that He would come back from North America to Europe where he worked for the last time during the 2008/2009 season. Arrival in Podolsko resolved with his current defender, Čech Vojtěch Mozek, who spent two seasons abroad "I have consulted Vojtach Moszek, whom I know very well.He told me that everything was at a high level, so I did not think about signing long, " says Hrivik for the official website of the KHL

Twenty-eighth Forvard spent nine years in North America. After three seasons in the junior LHJMQ, he was banned by the New York Rangers backup team as an undefeated player. "They did not catch me, but there are a lot of players in the NHL. Of course, it is better for someone to choose you and be part of it. But you absolutely must not give up, " voiced Hrivik (1969005) New York is the second house

At the American Hockey League (AHL), he took the backslid Rangers and Flames teams awarded 350 starts at base with 198 points (72 + 126), 24 merits and 18 points (8 + 10) added to the play-off. "I can confirm that I had to, New York became my home. second house. But now I'm on the other side of the world, in Russia. It's a new challenge and I'm ready for that "

The participant from two juniors and two junior world champions represented Slovakia in only one senior championship and in 2014 was part of the selection of the # 39 coach Vladimír Vůjtka Hrivík does not believe that the number of MS will be increased to another championship that will take place in Košice and Bratislava in 2019. "The following world championships will take place in Slovakia. I decided to participate. " confirmed Hrivik

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