Six people drowned in Lesbos


Among the dead, the migrants were three children.

Six people, including three babies, died when a boat with immigrants was dug near the Greek island of Lesbos north of the Aegean Sea

A DPA News Agency Sunday announced an appeal to the Turkish media. The Anadolu public news agency said that Turkish citizens were among the victims

A bar of 16 people was landed aboard the port of the Turkish city of Ayvalik.

Anadol, based on a statement by regional officials, said the people in the boat had connections with Fethullah Gülen, a Muslim cleric who Ankara accused of attempting to set up on the military coup of July 2016.

Immediately, it was not clear how the district leaders came to such a claim

More than 130,000 people, including many judges, professors and soldiers, were fired from the Turkish coup in Turkey

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