They lived on the Alien Moon! That's how life could have come from scientists


According to planetary researchers, the moon could have had conditions four billion years ago to support simple life forms. The same conditions could have occurred during the peak of volcanic activity more than 3.5 billion years ago. Meanwhile, the Moon has ruled out large amounts of hot gas, including water vapor. These gases could condense in water on the surface to create an atmosphere conducive to the life of organisms. "If the liquid water and the appropriate atmosphere were present on the moon, we think that its surface would be at least temporarily habitable," said Dirk Schulze-Makuch, an astrobiologist at Washington State University. It is also assumed that the moon is surrounded by a magnetic field that would hold any form of life.

<img src = "" title = "Žili na Mesiaci mimozemšťania!" The oldest evidence of life on Earth in the form of cyanobacteria is about 3.5 to 3.8 billion years old. The solar system was marked by frequent meteorite impacts, so it is possible that life could be moved to the moon as a result of this event, where it was safer. "It looks like the moon could be really habitable at that time, because there could be microbes in the surface of the water until the surface is completely dry, "says Schulze-Makuch.

Scientists hope that the NASA and other space agencies, on the basis of these claims, will begin to devote more detailed research to the lunar system.According to them, it is necessary to review the monthly regulations of this period to see s & # 39; 39 they contain signs of life, or at least stimulate these condoms This way once and for all and always know if life on the moon is possible

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