The sale of drones in the Czech Republic and around the world continues to grow


Even five years ago, it seemed like the drones were and will be only army business and for non-military special use.

At the present time, practically anyone can buy them and people also use this option. According to estimates by Business Insider Intelligence, last year, 10 million drones were sold worldwide and its prognosis indicates that this number is not definitive

Even the major Czech dealers of this assortment claim that sales of these small aircraft are increasing. In the Czech Republic, they have attracted increasing interest since 2015. has sold them to tens of thousands. And they sell many other internet and stone shops. The cheapest dron is only worth a few hundred Czech crowns. It is worth more than 100,000 CZK (3902.90 euros) for the quality.

However, a commercial venture with drones requires the permission of the Civil Aviation Authority. In the Czech Republic, it was acquired around 1200.

The use of drones is huge. Power plants help reduce costs, for example, to check the status of high cooling towers or chimneys. US farmers can check the quality of their crops daily on hundreds of hectares of their fields a day.

Their use in forestry is beneficial. They are appropriate for controlling sensitive areas for whatever reason and objects, if they do not move unauthorized persons, etc.

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