DAC was shot down, Dunajska Streda downgraded Michalovce


Dunajska Streda July 29 (TASR) –

DAC 1904 FC Dunajska Streda – MFK Zemplin Michalovce 4: 1 (3: 0)

Goals: and 31. Bayo, 32. Kalmar, 72. K. Vida – 88. Kurminowski. They were chosen by: Ochotnický – Galo, Čajka, ŽK: Ljubičič, K. Vida – Vaščák, 6118 spectators

Dunajská Streda: K. Vida, Bayo (74. Almási), Pačinda (13. M. Vida)

Michalovce: Kira – Rota, Kavka, Grič, Žofčák – Bednár – Vaščák, Turík, Hovhannes, Kolesár Sulley (78. Kurminowski)

The first serious opportunity for visitors took place at 10 minutes from the end, after the attack on the right of Pačinda. 13 minutes into the game, Pačinda had to leave the fray. Žofčák finished 15 minutes after the corner. In the 19th minute threatened to catch the guest Grač, stretch must have the goalkeeper Macej. In the 26th minute, Ljubičić tried, goalkeeper Kira put the ball in the car. After defeating the ball at Kalmáro, who defeated visitors' defense and Bayo sent a ball to the net 1: 0. Four minutes later, the local team had already doubled the gap when Bayou – 2: 0 was going to K. Vidu. In 32 minutes, Calmar shot 25 meters and adjusted to 3-0. Bayo again showed 36 minutes after Vidu's center was alone in front of goal, but Kira made a move in the final second. In the 45th minute, Sulley doubled the DAC defense, but the ball rebounded.

At the beginning of the second half, they were able to reduce the score. In 48 minutes, a small home goal was to kick goalkeeper Macej, who shot at Sulleya, but the ball ended just near the goal. After 57 minutes, Herc wanted to stay on the pitch, but the manager made the decision to substitute it for Ken Vida after 70 minutes. In the 63rd minute, Hovhannesa headed for Kavka, but Macej was in place. 67 minutes into the game, K. Vida broke through on the right and could have had a great goal but the ball passed just wide. Kira hit the ball, sending Herc to the next. After 70 minutes of play, hector Bayo managed a superb sham of the match In the 73rd minute after the event, K. Vida scored and scored the fourth goal of Dunajska Streda. After 85 minutes, the visitors took the lead by 2 to 0 when K. Vida, having erased two players on the left side of the pitch, beat the ball with such power that the keeper had not managed it. not a single gesture. Curling Kurminowski puts at least one good goal in the game.

Player Votes:

Peter Hyballa, Coach of Dunajska Streda: "It was my third match on the DAC bench, until here there has always been We started with a 4-3-3, then we went to 4-4-2, we had a good first half, in the second we were a little tired, so we changed Kone and Almási, and we will see what happens on Thursday in Minsk. "

Anton Šoltis, coach Michaloviec: " It was a cruel result for us, the opponent was effective, three goals scored three goals. "

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