The New York Times publishes Trump attacks on journalists – World – News



Head of the White House Donald Trump.


The editor of the prestigious American newspaper New York Times called the recent meeting of President Donald Trump to consider journalists as enemies of the people. Mr. G. Sulzberger informed about the meeting at the White House, whose content had originally remained private, after the president himself wrote about it twitters. Trump told the publisher that his rhetoric would lead to violence against journalists.

"I said directly to the President that I think his rhetoric
not only distributes, but is becoming more and more dangerous, "said Sulzberger,
The NYT publisher was early this year.

A meeting of representatives of prestigious newspapers with the American president, who
has already occurred on July 20, it should be in accordance with the original agreement without outputs.
Sulzberger decided to inform him after what Trump said
he broke and wrote about the meeting in one of his tweets

"I had a very good and interesting meeting with A. G. at the White House
Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times. We spent a lot of time
telling the vast amount of fake news that the media
and how false messages turn into a sentence, an enemy
the people. Sad! Trump Trump on Twitter after meeting

The NYT publisher said in a statement that he told the president how
The False False and Harmful message. "I warned him,
that his inflamed rhetoric contributes to an increase in the number of threats against
journalists and how to lead to violence, "said the New York Times editor.
"I warned him that he is threatening human lives, that he undermines democracy
the ideals of our country, and that what he does is upset one of ours
Best Export Articles: Dedication to Freedom of Speech and Freedom
print, "Sulzberger added.

Trump is virtually in constant conflict with US publishers
the liberal press, television and news servers, including television
CNN, NBC and ABC stations, and the New York Times and the Washington Post. their
publishers have been called "enemies of the people" many times

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