They signed a contract for the reconstruction of the road between Malacca and Rohožník


The goal is to create a broader and safer way

29. July 2018 at 23:28 TASR

BRATISLAVA. The long – awaited reconstruction of the devastated communication between Rohožník and Malackami is prior to its beginnings

After several months of public procurement approval, the Autonomous Region of Bratislava (BSK) was able to sign a contract with the Czech Republic. reconstruction contractor. The contract is effective from Saturday (28.7.), BSK published on its website

According to the document, Alpine Slovakia will carry out a complete reconstruction of the communication for 7.029.822,22 euros excluding VAT ( 8.453.858.67 euros with VAT). The contractor must complete the reconstruction within 13 months of taking over the site. This must be done on August 1

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Read also: The reconstruction of Rohožník-Malacky arrives

"We want to fix the beginning of the reconstruction in order to to minimize the impacts and limitations resulting from the construction work, "BOC press secretary Veronika Beňadiková

told TASR The aim of the reconstruction of the current road III between Rohožník and Malackami is to create a wider, safer and more resilient to frequent freight traffic

After the repair, the classification of Highway II would have to be changed Class Construction costs initially estimated at more than 8.7 million. euros excluding VAT

The competition generated offers with a price below 1.5 million euros.The region received Eurofund for the implementation of the project

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